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Current status of recomposing the Hubzilla documentation

Hubzilla documentation forum
Hubzilla documentation forum
Everybody please help @Der Pepe (Hubzilla) ⁂ ⚝ and @Jupiter Rowland in their current recomposing of the Hubzilla documentation. Thanks!

Der Pepe (Hubzilla) ⁂ ⚝Der Pepe (Hubzilla) ⁂ ⚝ wrote the following post Wed, 11 Sep 2024 07:30:34 -0500
The translation into English continues (slowly and sometimes tediously, because I have to recreate many screenshots with English texts).

Positive side effect: I find a lot of ‘typos’ in the German texts, which I can then correct straight away.

So the project hasn't fallen asleep, it just needs time.

The current status can be viewed here:

German -

English -